Phenytoin Sodium Manufacturers

Phenytoin sodium uses

Phenytoin sodium also called Dilantin is an anti-seizure medication. It is very much used in the prevention of tonic-clonic seizures and focal seizures. The circulatory form, fosphenytoin, is used for position epilepticus. Phenytoin is a drug in a class of medications called anticonvulsants. Anticonvulsants suppress the rapid firing of neurons during seizures. These pharmacological agents prevent the spread of seizure in the brain. Phenytoin actually works by lowering the abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Phenytoin Sodium is the sodium salt of phenytoin. This is a hydantoin derivative and non-sedative antiepileptic agent. Phenytoin sodium promotes sodium efflux from neurons situated in the motorized cortex. The drugs we manufacture go through a wide range of parametric tests to ensure good quality, thus making us the leading Phenytoin Sodium manufacturers.

  • Phenytoin Sodium manufacturers

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